Sweet Remembrance: Non-Profit Pies for Mental Health in Katy, TX

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By Dave

Katy, Texas – In a world that often seems detached and disconnected, one local nonprofit is on a mission to bring people together, one pie at a time. Sweet Remembrance, a heartfelt pie business, is not your typical bakery. With every pie sold, this family-run enterprise is making a difference in the community by raising funds for mental health awareness.

All-natural Caramel Apple Pie ($25.00)

Sweet Remembrance’s Backstory

The story behind Sweet Remembrance is both heartbreaking and inspiring. Created by Michele and her family, this nonprofit was born out of personal tragedy. Michele’s sister tragically took her own life five years ago, leaving the entire family shattered. Their journey toward healing led them to channel their pain into a purposeful cause.

As high school seniors at Tompkins High School, Michele’s daughters witnessed firsthand the mental health struggles that their peers were facing. Determined to make a positive impact, the family decided to start Sweet Remembrance. Michele’s husband, who has a deep love for baking, joined forces with her to create pies that not only satisfy the taste buds but also contribute to a greater cause.

Progress in Katy, TX

Just a week ago, Sweet Remembrance baked its very first pie. Despite being new to the market, the nonprofit has already gained recognition and acceptance into local markets, including Heights to Downtown and Pine Mills Ranch. They have also partnered with the Tompkins High School swim team, selling pies to support the team’s activities. While they are still in the early stages, the future looks promising for Sweet Remembrance.

The success of Sweet Remembrance lies not only in the delectable pies they produce but also in their unwavering commitment to mental health awareness. The organization aims to appeal to the entire community of Katy, recognizing that everyone is dealing with something. By inviting people to share a pie and sit down with someone, Sweet Remembrance seeks to foster genuine interactions and show that care and compassion can make a significant difference in someone’s life.

Support our Community

What sets Sweet Remembrance apart is the passion they infuse into every pie they bake. Their pies are made from scratch using only natural ingredients, with no shortcuts or preservatives. The result is a product that not only tastes phenomenal but also nourishes the soul. Through their dedication to quality, Sweet Remembrance hopes to revive the art of pie-making and bring back the comfort and joy it once represented.

To support this heartwarming cause, you can purchase Sweet Remembrance pies through various channels. If you’re in the Katy and west Houston city area, they offer delivery services for a small fee, ensuring that their delicious pies reach your doorstep. Additionally, you can find them at local Katy area farmers’ markets on weekends, where you can sample their pies, engage with the team, and take one home to enjoy with loved ones.

Sweet Remembrance is not just about baking pies; it’s about baking a brighter future for those struggling with mental health issues. With each bite of their homemade goodness, you are not only treating yourself but also contributing to a cause that aims to make a genuine difference in the lives of others. Let’s join hands with Sweet Remembrance in their pursuit of compassion and mental health awareness, one slice of pie at a time.

Together, with your help, we can create a sweeter world.

For more information and to place orders, visit Sweet Remembrance online at https://www.sweetpieco.com.

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